Roosevelt Death
A Super
by Mr. X
Published 1947 in the United States
This sensational booklet, billing
Roosevelt's death as a mystery, is largely just an attack on Roosevelt
and his policies, using the sensationalism of a "mystery death" as its
initial draw. The booklet is very interesting though, does actually
touch on some valid points and is an example of the rising Red Baiting
literature that grew to prominence regarding the Roosevelt
administration leading up to the McCarthy era. The booklet may or may
not be seen as significant, but what it does best is serve as a reminder
of real attitudes and opinions that existed following World War II,
attitudes and opinions mostly forgotten today, but still playing a very
important role in right-wing American politics. Though many of the
issues in this booklet are not discussed openly in America, there are
still Americans that share these views about the Roosevelt
administration almost exactly. Many of the ideas presented in this
booklet are echoed by the likes of right-wing commentators such as Ann
Coulter and Rush Limbaugh today.